Summer time care for your tyres
It’s easy to assume your tyres are fine through the summer months but our hot Australian holiday period can lead to major issues for your vehicles tyres. If you’re on a family road trip or commuting to and from work through the week, a hot day on the roads is the last thing your tyres need.
As your tyres heat from rotation, plus the added temperatures from the heating road surfaces lead to a rise in your tyres internal air temp and ultimately a rise in pressure. This rise in your tyres air pressure is a common cause for a dreaded tyre blow-out! A blow-out is a rapid loss of air pressure and at high speeds, can be extremely dangerous to you and your passengers as well as your vehicle and other motorists.

Vehicle manufacture’s give a recommended cold pressure indication for optimum levels. This means the vehicle hasn’t been driven for any period of time before the measurement of pressure can be taken. For the best and most accurate results, record the pressure of your tyres in the early hours of the morning or during the night, or when the temperature of your tyres matches the outside air temp.
Never reduce your tyres after driving or if you have warm tyres. Once your tyres cool, they could fall well below the recommended minimum tyre pressure that’s indicated by the manufacturer. In regards in inflation, hot pressure can be up to 20% higher than that of cold tyres and under no circumstances should hot tyres be pressurised to the recommended cold tyre indicator given by the car manufacturer.
Its best to regularly check the pressure of your cars tyres every 14 days (two weeks). By keeping to this routine, you can also get onto any defects or tyre issues early before they become larger problems. Never forget the spare tyre either! You do not want to be on the side of a freeway with a flat or damaged spare tyre. Information about the recommended manufacturer’s tyre pressure can be found in your vehicle owner’s manual or on the tyre information placards. The location of this placard can vary depending on make and model. Try one of the following:
• Glove-Box
• On the inside of your vehicles door
• Door jam
• On the inside of your vehicles boot door

The most common place for this information placard is on the inside of your vehicles door
If you are unsure of any of this information, its best to speak to a professional. For more information on your vehicle’s tyre pressure, as well as the best tips to keep your tyres condition at its prime, come in and see us today at Kogarah Tyrepower, We’re experts in tyres!
Call us today
on (02) 9587 3366